Band 8-12 Course Outline

Learning Outcomes

1) Expand the student’s knowledge of different musical styles.

2) Gain insight into artists and composers.

3) Gain a greater appreciation for all music.

4) Increase the student’s technical and artistic facility on their instrument or voice.

5) Challenge students intellectually and physically.

6) Musically bind together each performing group as a team so that everyone might create, achieve, and benefit from a real musical experience.

Course Outline

In each period you will cover some aspects of scales, rhythms, sight reading, ear training and repertoire.  Band is a performing arts course and learning outcomes will be measured by performances in school and community concerts and in regional festivals.


The director hears and evaluates your work every time you play.  There will also be scheduled playing tests.  Assessment is based on the following criteria:

Student    Attendance    Attitude    Technique    Tone    Accuracy    Tests    Performance    Improvement    %    Letter Grade

John Doe        10                10               9                9             8              8               10                     10            93            A

Each student is given a mark out of ten for each criteria.  Those are then averaged for a final %


•Show respect to all students, parents, and teachers associated with the band.

•Make a consistent effort in class and practice regularly at home (15 minutes per day minimum).

•Band is a performing class. In the real world, musicians are fired if they continually arrive late to, or miss, rehearsals.  Students are expected to arrive punctually and attend regularly, as in the real world of work.  I know students are busy people, and I will work hard to accommodate necessary absences, provided I am notified in advance.  You will have dates for performances well in advance, so plan your schedule so it doesn't conflict with performances.  Chronic lack of responsibility will result in failure of the course.

Materials Required

You must bring your instrument, music, and pencil to every class.  Clarinet and saxophone students need to purchase a supply of reeds for their instruments.



I have read the above course guidelines and understand the requirements and expectations of this course.  I will treat this course as preparation for the real world and expectations of employers, and attend regularly and on time.

Student's signature ____________________________________

Parent's signature _____________________________________